
Welcome Bishop Watterson Astronomy students!  My name is Laura Manns and I will be supporting your learning this academic year during your scheduled class period and also will be providing labs, thereby enriching your learning experience and providing context for your study of astronomy.

I am relatively new to the Columbus area, having relocated in August of 2020.  I have four children, with my eldest beginning graduate school in violin performance and my youngest commencing 4th grade.

I love both science and children!  I earned my Bachelor's of Science from Xavier University, a Masters of Environmental Management from Duke University and am currently completing a Bachelor's Plus program for Integrated Science, grades 7-12 to include college physics through Ashland University.  I love to learn and am an active board member of the Ohio Wetlands Association.  My children and I enjoy visiting both state and national parks.

This is an incredibly exciting time to be studying Astronomy!  On December 25, 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope was launched.  

To learn more about this telescope, please read this article:

Joy of discovery: How Webb telescope expands world's sense of wonder

To view additional images and articles, visit NASA's website devoted entirely to this infrared telescope.



  1. Hi Laura! I really enjoyed reading your post and it is wonderful to meet someone so involved in their career! It's inspiring to me, as someone who is just starting out, to see how much you've put into your work. It makes me want to look for more ways to branch out into the English/Language Arts world. Also, it is fascinating to me how much clearer the Webb photos are compared to the Hubble photos. When I first saw them I was blown away. It must be great to bring that kind of wonder and love of space into student's lives.

  2. Hi Laura! Your blog post does a great job of showing students that you are really passionate about what you do. Your article you've added is a great touch to show students why they should be excited to be learning about astronomy and is great relevance. I can tell your passionate about science and I'm sure your students will be able to. The excitement you have for the subject will definitely rub off on your learners!


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