Designing a Learning Experience to Integrate Digital Device

 Science is an excellent content area to integrate technology into the classroom.  If a school has reliable internet access, the ability to access web based learning platforms through the use of student laptops allows educators to significantly enhance student learning experiences with authentic, real life applications of core content area.

Many science educators are familiar with PhET Interactive Simulations created by the University of Colorado with simulations for physics, chemistry, math, earth science and biology content areas.

PhET Resources

Fewer are familiar with applications designed and maintained by the federal government, including NOAA and NASA.  These web based platforms offer exceptional access to current data the government is collecting in a variety of areas.

In an environmental science class, NOAA resources could be used to both instruct and provide visualization for standards.  For example, standard ENV.ES.2 Atmosphere, atmospheric properties and currents, NOAA has this webpage with linked resources:

NOAA Weather Resources

Which includes many links, one of which is for a Satellite Wind lab:

Satellite Wind Lab

Students can then observe patterns in a real time animation at:

Global Wind Patterns

It is an exciting time to be an educator!  We have the capacity to include resources in our instruction that have not been easily accessible in years past, providing a bridge to both technology and real life applications of science!


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